Wednesday 6 October 2010

Ideas for magazine advert

One of our final choices (didn't like that our bodies weren't together)

One of our final choices (Polaroids didn't look old enough)
One of our final choices (too 'boring')

Lucy and I went through a lot of ideas before we came to our conclusion. We went through ideas for about a week until we made our decision of the one above. The polaroid idea came to us when we saw a photograph similar but was for something completely different, so we made our adjustments and came to this idea. We are really please by this idea, it's something completely different to what every other music magazine photograph would look like which would make it stand out. We even thought about having this photograph as our CD cover, but because we changed the album name to 'Owls' we decided against having this photo and thought it was better off in the music magazine.

The way we went about making this photograph happen was by taking the appropriate photographs, then coming back and editing them appropriately, for example cropping them and changing the light levels etc. After we had done this we got a polaroid template (like the one below) and pasted our photographs into this template them edited them. We rotated them to give them a 'quirky' feel, and fitted them together so they looked like full body shots. We were suprised with the final outcome and felt we had done well.

Polaroid Template

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